Tuesday, March 1, 2011

February 2011 Prayer Letter

What’s Going on With My Job & Partnership Development (PD)?

Well, that has been the most frequently asked question lately.  First I should apologize for the delayed update.  The Area Director was out of the country at the end of January & beginning of February, and then was going to be in Dallas for a week and a half, so we thought it better to wait to talk and make decisions while he was here (since he is the one making the decisions. :-)  Last week we came to several conclusions.

· My monthly financial support has increased significantly over the last month and a half.  It has more than doubled, putting me around 50% monthly support.  That is a great jump in support!
· Obviously, if I am at 50% support level, I have 50% left, so there is a lot of work that needs to be done to raise that last half.
· My “transitional salary” ends in May, so I only have about 3 months, and that isn’t very far off.
· Best solution: Do volunteer coordinator work 16 hours a week, and Partnership Development (prayer and financial support raising) the other 24 hours a week (or more).

So, how is this going to work?  Because of the significant increase in my monthly financial support, several one-time financial gifts, and the remainder of my transition salary; the part of my support that stopped at the end of January is covered until May.  The rest of the transitional support will stop in May.  So, between now and May, I will work a split schedule of “volunteer coordinator” and “partnership development.”  I will also do a significant amount of traveling to see partners, contacts and churches in the States & Canada.

If you would like to know more about what the Lord is doing in Bible Translation, Wycliffe Associates, how the Lord is working in my life, or how you or your church can get involved, let me know.  I would be happy to meet with you or a small group or speak to your church.  I will be traveling in April and May, and I am starting to put together my travel schedule now.  My contact information is in the side bar, or you can respond to my email.  Thank you!

1. I found a great church that preaches the Word, is mission minded, and the people are great.
2. My financial support has increased significantly.
3. The volunteers are coming in and enjoying their work.  God is placing each one where they can be used by the Lord to support Bible Translation.
4. I still get to serve the Lord in Bible translation in Dallas! :-)

Prayer Requests:
1. Financial Support - My support has increased, but it still needs to increase significantly over the next few months for me to continue my assignment.
2. For balance and focus, as I work as Volunteer Coord part-time and partnership development part-time.
3. That I would not try to do this work and partnership development in my own strength, but choose daily to follow the Lord’s leading.
4. For the team that leads the WA volunteers year-around, but especially during “volunteer season.”  Their names are: Randy (the boss), George, John, Janice, Dana, and me.

If you are interested in financially supporting my ministry with Wycliffe Associates online, you can click on this link, put my name in the search, click search, then click on my name and follow the prompts.
By Mail: Make check or money order out to Wycliffe Associates  and put my fund code “M08730” in the notes field. Mail to Wycliffe    Associates: P.O. Box 620143; Orlando, FL, 32862.

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