Thursday, September 10, 2015

Paula Oestreich
Wycliffe Associates
Site Volunteer Coordinator

"Then he said unto them, ...send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength." Nehemiah 8:10

Winter/Spring 2015 Update


Another “volunteer season” has come and gone in Dallas. We are always sad to see everyone go back home, but most have families (GRANDKIDS!!), friends, and churches to reconnect with so we let them go with the hope they will return next year.  We had several new couples & individuals this year, and a few have had to “retire.”

We had many projects around the International Linguistics Center (ILC) this year. As usual, the volunteers were working with various departments such as: Buildings & Grounds, Woodshop, Boutique, Sewing, Stamp Ministry, Medical Clinic, Dining Hall, IT, Archives, Hospitality, Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics, and other various Administrative jobs. The ILC is over 30 years old, so there is no shortage of maintenance, re-modeling or grounds work. Below are pictures of a few of the projects that were completed.  FYI - Four Points is our new Student Lounge.
Four Points: New cabinets built by volunteers.  They are as beautiful as they look, too!
Medical/Dental Clinic: Built new front desk.  In this picture they are about half way done and we caught a couple of volunteers working.

Four Points:  Walls taken out, drop ceiling taken down, walls painted, wood wall accent, and rusted metal from another roof added as accent at the top. 
Medical/Dental Clinic: New front desk complete!

Four Points: Track lighting added and world map (made out of wallpaper and framed).
Dining Hall: A pitch steel roof with radiant barrier was built to replace the flat tar roof. The pitch roof will also protect the Geo-Thermal (AC) equipment.
This summer:
Many of you have asked, "Where are you traveling this year?"  Of course this is a good question because the last 6 years I have spent a few months of the summer traveling around the US/Canada for Partnership Development (PD) and/or gone overseas for 1-3 months on a work trip....which I have loved.  This summer, I am going to take a break...  On July 9th-10th I am going to drive to Florida and spend about a month there (until early August).  Please pray with me that this time will be one of rest & spiritual refreshing...
If you would like to support me financially, please click here!
Prayer Requests:
* Pray for additional prayer & financial partners. I am currently short about $1,000 per month.
* Pray for WA (Wycliffe Associates) as we connect directly with churches around the world to provide them with the tools needed for open source Bible translation and MAST (Mobilized Assistance Supporting Translation).
*Pray that the many needs for volunteers here at the ILC (International Linguistics Center) will be filled....long term and short term.
* Pray for complete healing in my back and neck.
* We praise the Lord for the incredible work going on around the world advancing Bible Translation.
*Thank God for the volunteers that have come this fiscal year!  The ILC could not thrive without them!

Thank you for your continued prayer and financial support!  
I could not do this without you!