Monday, November 12, 2007

Conversations With God......the book

Ok, These books could quite possibly be one of the craziest things I have ever seen. On top of that, the titles are deceptive..... "Conversations with God" and "Conversations with God for Teens", written by Neale D. Walsch. (btw James Dobson is on a bandwagon to have this book banned. I am not the political type, but I can say I agree with him on this one.)

I checked out the book on Amazon and have to admit it is a twisted, sick book. He very dangerously twists together some truth with a whole bunch of.....crap.

On page one the author refers to God as the biggest victimizer of them all, and then claims that he sat down and wrote this big long letter to God venting, and when he was done....."magically" the pen just started to move and answer his questions. For 3 years he had this conversation with God. The author would write down a question and when he was completely done writing the questions, "god" would write the answers down for him or basically tell him what to write. (The author capitalizes "god." I did not capitalize it because I think he may be talking to a different one than I do.)

The author also says that god's "most common form of communication is through feeling. He says that feeling is the language of the soul. If you want to know what's true for you about something, look to how you're feeling about it......hidden in your deepest feelings is your highest truth." (that was a direct quote from the book). You can read the first several pages of the book on Amazon, they let you preview pages of the book before you buy it. Anyway....just thought I would share.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Our Enemy....The Enemy

The only thing necessary for the triumph of for good men to do nothing.Edmund Burke (Irish Philosopher)

Have you ever heard someone say something that just hit you clear down to your core? This quote did that to me. We were watching a documentary called "Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West." (the link attached is a 12 minute clip of the documentary) There is a general overview of the Muslim religion, and then it went on to explain that most Muslims do not support Radical Islam. Radical Islam believes that "Jihad is the only way to honor Allah," "it is a religious holy war for the sake of Allah," "to conquer the world for Allah." They believe that the USA is trying to take over the world. They teach their children in grade school that we are a threat and will kill them if given the chance, and not just kill but crush their sculls and slit their throats. They start teaching them from birth to be "suicide warriors." They show commercials on TV advertising their motto: Death to America. They go on to compare Radical Islam to Hitler's reign in WWII. The whole video is very eye-opening. If you get a chance to watch the video in its entirety then I recommend it, if not, the 12 minute clip will give you a good idea of what I am talking about.


It makes my stomach turn to just type those words. I have lived my life in such a sugar coated world that I don't think I can fully comprehend that kind of strong/passionate negative emotion. So, after kinda freaking myself out thinking and pondering on all of this hate and anger, another very sobering thought hit me. I have a bigger enemy, who hates me even more! Nothing like things getting worse... :) I have a bigger enemy and his name is the devil, satan, lucifer, evil...pick one, it is all the same guy.

So what does this have to do with the quote above? "The only thing necessary for the triumph of for good men to do nothing?" I am not saying that we are to fight the devil or anything like that because that is not our fight to fight. However, we can be lackadaisical about or own walk with God, we can not hold our friends accountable in love, we can let the schools/programs raise our kids and teach them their values instead of teaching them at home, or we can let anger and bitterness put a wedge so deep in our heart that we live a life not capable of giving or receiving REAL love. We can also live a life completely ignorant of the evil and enemy around us, the enemy that seeks to destroy us, our families and wants to destroy our souls.

Sure, it is EASIER to pretend it isn't there or doesn't exist, but it does. So what happens when he strikes? If we are prepared, armed and ready....we survive. Not that it doesn't hurt or cause problems or even leave a scar, but if we pretend that it is not there and just do our own thing until he comes along and hits us with a devastating blow, we won't survive and our families won't survive. We will be crushed, and recovery from that is much harder than if we would have just looked up, armed ourselves with God's Word/God's Armor, and been prepared....

OK, so I know I am not going to win the Merry-Sunshine award today. :~)

Thursday, November 1, 2007

What Kind of Life Do You Have?

Life is defined in Webster’s as:

1. the period from birth to death, the period of existence
2. a sentence of imprisonment for the remainder of life
3. an opportunity for continued viability (working, functioning, or developing)
4. spiritual existence transcending physical death

So, which of these definitions reflects how you live your life? Are you living a lackadaisical life? Not really doing much, just waiting for something to happen to you. Are you thinking, “once I get _____, then my life will begin!” Fill in the blank… Is it when I finish school, when I move out from my parents house, when I get married, when I finish SSM, when I get my own house, when I make $80,000 a year, when I have kids???? When this thing happens, do you really think you will have all of the answers and they will transform your life and make it a life worth living? I hope not…

Are you a victim? I am not asking if you have ever had a bad thing done to you, because we all have, on all different levels. My question is…is your day always worse than everyone else’s, was your child hood more traumatizing, are your aches and pains always more painful, are YOUR trials always more challenging to get through than every one else’s? Don’t get me wrong, we all have bad times and seasons and sometimes they are worse than someone else’s. But do you constantly compete with others on whose life is worse, harder, and more difficult? I hope not…

Do you ever look for ways to challenge yourself? Do you ask yourself…how can I benefit society? How can I learn more to benefit my employer? How can I better serve my family and friends? What can I do to grow as a person and not be stagnant?

Do you ever wake up and wonder what does my Heavenly Father have in store for me today? What is He going to teach me about His love, mercy, grace and forgiveness today? How is the LORD going to use me to further His Heavenly Kingdom today? Do you ever claim the victory because you know “it” has already been won? Do you know that you are already seated in Heavenly places; you just have to acknowledge it?

I heard someone say that we, as Christians, think “we are physical beings having a spiritual experience.” The opposite is true. “We are spiritual beings having a physical experience.”

It brings on a whole new perspective to life…..doesn’t it?

Ephesians 2:4-7
~4 But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us,
~5 Even when we were dead in sins, hath
quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)
~6 And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in
Christ Jesus:

~7 That in the ages to come he might shew the
exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.

Changed Life...

This was originally written Oct 25, 2007. Have you ever met a person that had the gift of pushing you to be better? I haven’t always considered these people to BE gifts, but more of a pain in the rump! They don’t give you all of the answers, they don’t sympathize when you are actually the problem, they ask the questions that make you have to work for the answer(s) even though they probably know the answers already… God brought one such person to mind today, and just had to stop and take a minute to thank God for him. In so many ways this person challenged me to grow, learn, accept the things in life I cannot change, and accept the fact that we all make mistakes (I am not the only one, fix it and move on), and submit to authority. People like this don’t just affect “one aspect” of your life, they challenge every part of your life. They may start in one area, but eventually it spreads: home, family, work, church, ministry, friends….what ever you do their words and actions seem to follow you in your mind.

What brought this person to mind, you may ask? I think that I need to become this type of person for someone in my life. Not that I am making a conscious decision thinking “I am going to set this person straight and teach them things.” It is more of a realization that God has put me in the place in this person’s life, that this is what I have to do, because this is what they need. Quite frankly…I don’t really want to be one of the ones to do it. Sometimes it is easier to just let things go than try to make them right. That is not what we are here for though, is it?
When the LORD calls us to hold someone accountable, to challenge them, or be the rock for someone to break themselves against, we have to do that. We could back out of it, but it isn’t right. I would never want the people that have invested in me, to have quit, not obeyed what they were told to do, to have given up or not tried because it was easier to just “let it go.” I am who I am today because there were/are people in my life that care enough to let things be difficult and not sugar coat the tough stuff.

The LORD puts these people strategically in our lives. We can’t be stagnant if we want to live for Him, if we want to fulfill the plan He has for us…

… to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified. And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of many generations. Isa 61:3-4

Why a Blog??

This post was originally written on Oct 22, 2007. Well, this is the first post on my first blog. It is kinda weird... I haven't told anyone that I am starting a blog and not sure I will tell anyone. So what is the point of blogging if I am not going to share it? I have no idea... Maybe I will share it. It's not like I am a high profile person that people are going to just come flooding to my blog everyday to read it. It just seems like you are TOTALLY putting yourself out there for the world to see. Vulnerable to the world....or anyone that happens to stumble across my blog, that is. So, if you have stumbled across this blog and you have one....kudos to you for putting yourself out there.

What has motivated me to start a blog if I am all freaked out and may not let anyone know I even have one? Jeff Adams, the head pastor of my church, started doing a blog, and I read it almost every day. I have learned a lot about him, what he thinks, etc... Jeff seems to be one of the few people that can challenge me and I actually listen......sometimes. So recently preaching and/or blogging he has mentioned journaling, commenting on blogs (which I have only done twice...ever), and starting a blog. So, I am taking the challenge. Mostly because the LORD seems to be narrowing ministry down some. I used to do a little bit of everything, everywhere, all of the time. Now, I am slowing down and starting to focus on one or two areas, and just waiting on the LORD. I feel like part of that is learning to be more open and, God help me, more vulnerable.

So, I guess we'll just see how the whole blog thing goes....