Ok, These books could quite possibly be one of the craziest things I have ever seen. On top of that, the titles are deceptive..... "Conversations with God" and "Conversations with God for Teens", written by Neale D. Walsch. (btw James Dobson is on a bandwagon to have this book banned. I am not the political type, but I can say I agree with him on this one.)
I checked out the book on Amazon and have to admit it is a twisted, sick book. He very dangerously twists together some truth with a whole bunch of.....crap.
On page one the author refers to God as the biggest victimizer of them all, and then claims that he sat down and wrote this big long letter to God venting, and when he was done....."magically" the pen just started to move and answer his questions. For 3 years he had this conversation with God. The author would write down a question and when he was completely done writing the questions, "god" would write the answers down for him or basically tell him what to write. (The author capitalizes "god." I did not capitalize it because I think he may be talking to a different one than I do.)
The author also says that god's "most common form of communication is through feeling. He says that feeling is the language of the soul. If you want to know what's true for you about something, look to how you're feeling about it......hidden in your deepest feelings is your highest truth." (that was a direct quote from the book). You can read the first several pages of the book on Amazon, they let you preview pages of the book before you buy it. Anyway....just thought I would share.
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