Today has been a better day for all of us. We got some sleep and feel human again. :~) Today was our first full day in Spain. We took 3 buses to Marbella, where we are staying for a couple of days, and are settled in our hotel. We had lunch (at 4pm) on the beach, went swimming in the Meditarrenean Sea, and went to Los Naranjas Centre where we had dinner and the afore mentioned Chocolate y Churros. Dinner at 10pm and dessert at 11:30pm. That schedule is totally normal in Spain. You can barley find a restaurant open for dinner before 9pm.
Our last team member arrived from Budapest today, so we are a complete team now. Yay! Our team is the best! It is a great combination of personalities and gifts.
Please pray for our team for the next few weeks as we work together to serve and minister to Bible Translators and missionaries from countries I can't even mention. They work and live in areas most of us wouldn't want to, and in conditions I am sure most of us would never consider.
That's all for now....must is after 1am here. G'night!
I'm so glad you're doing regular posts on your Spain trip, Paula! I'm praying the Lord really blesses your time there as well as the people you're serving!!!
WOW! I thought only the US of A had desserts that large: looks significantly yummy. In fact, so much so, I decided to check out the “calories burned” link on your blog. Burning off one of those oh so delectable chocolaty churros, I would need to complete the following exercises...I adapted accordingly for my location, of course. I would begin by pushing our snow blower around the yard, in our 100 degree weather, followed by chopping and splitting wood. Ignoring any unusual looks from my neighbors, I would then attempt to pump-up the water pressure in the garden hose for some white water rafting, but this might prove to be unsuccessful. Instead, I settled for playing water polo/marco polo in the sprinkler. We haven’t had rain for awhile, so I was multi-tasking. Efficiency is the key.
Your blog looks awesome, Paula. I love you and I am praying for you and the team.Please keep posting pictures and updates!
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