Monday, April 2, 2012

2nd Annual WA Pig Roast

Wycliffe Associates had our second annual Volunteer Appreciation Pig Roast.  John Toliver was the Pig Roaster 
and I was the side dish maker 
(with the help of Deb Martin - THANKS!).

There was a pig....

There was the middle of the RV Park...

Several hours later, he was cooked...

Then he was chopped up....
by John



And there were sides: corn on the cobb roasted over the fire, buns/bread, loaded mashed potatoes, cold 4 bean salad, coleslaw, applesauce...and for dessert peach cobbler with ice cream and/or whipped cream!!

We tried to make the room pretty - so we used Easter decor...

YUP - we had an Easter themed Pig Roast. :~)

A good time was had by all....

Ready to start planning for the Third Annual...

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