Sorry, I was going to send out an update a while ago... Weeks one and two I just didn't have THAT much to say. I wasn't very busy, so the update would have gone something like: "the water heater doesn't work...oh, thanks for fixing that but now the water is off, and now back on, and off again, and there went the internet, but now its back on, ooopps there went the electricity, oh, but it is now back on.....repeat, repeat...
It's not that big of a deal most of the time when things go off, but it does make living and working more labor intensive.
Weeks 3 and 4 have been a whole different story. I have been running circles around myself... We haven't had any new teams arrive in the last couple of weeks, but several individuals/couples for various reasons. I have been to the airport more than any other place in Cameroon! One of the couples moved into the house I am living. They were the previous volunteer coordinators here in Cameroon and left a year ago pretty quickly, so they are back to go through all of their stuff that has been stored in various places in the house, the latest find (this morning) we found under my bed. That may sound simple, but the beds here a low to the ground, so first they took off the mattress and all of the slats (about 10-15) then bug bombed it, then took the stuff out, swept up the webs and dirt, then put the bed back together. Maybe I won't get so many bug and spider bites now.
People here are really great! One good thing I have found about the "Wycliffe missionaries" is that most of them remember they were new at some point and are such gracious and helpful people...that is a huge blessing!! I am starting to get to know some of the Cameroonian people here as well, and they are great, as well. They tend to be pretty formal, and in business, very humble... They are also the most patient drivers I have ever seen in my life. Traffic here, is the biggest mess I have ever seen, and there is some honking, but.....usually it is a informational honk, more than an I'm going to run you over honk... :~) I am not driving this trip, but the next trip they want me to drive, and I am a little worried about my mouth driving in the traffic....I would hate to cuss at the traffic with a van full of missionaries. :~)
Last night I had some people over that are staying in the same area I am staying (CTC Annex). We had chimichangas (yes, just like in the states - there is a guy here that went to the states and learned to make them and sells them on Fridays) and then watched the Princess Bride. Tonight I am going to dinner at Mandi and Rachel's place. They live in a different area. Several single people live in the area they live in, so they get together a lot. Sunday's tend to be really busy days. We go to church (usually the ex-pat church at the Hilton), then the grocery store, then out to eat. We have been getting home around 3pm. Then at 5pm the have a SIL bible study where the Admin offices are.
Next week will be even more busy (please pray for me!!!!). We have several Wycliffe Associates (WA) people coming in for the Rain Forest International School dedication on Friday.
I hope you are all doing well! Thank you for your prayers!
1 comment:
We're praying for you, Paula - Thanks for the update!!
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