De Nyew Testament
“Cause God lob all de people een de wol sommuch dat e gii we e onliest Son. God sen we um so dat ebrybody wa bleebe pon um ain gwine dead.
Dey gwine lib faebamo.”
Can you read this Bible verse?
Where is the verse found in the Bible?
What does it say?
What does it mean???
It is John 3:16 in Sea Island Creole English,
and it is spoken primarily in the United States.
Now you can go back and read it again, and it makes a lot more sense. But what if this was all you had? What if English was your heart language and Sea Island Creole was the trade language? Both languages are similar, so you should be able to get “enough” out of Sea Island Creole to understand Jesus died for you to give you eternal life, right?? Some of us don’t like it when someone reads scripture out of a version that isn’t our favorite, Can you imagine trying to read and know God by reading this translation?
There are still 2,250 language groups that don’t have one word of scripture in their heart language (the language they learned and spoke as a child). That represents roughly 350 million people.
That is why Wycliffe’s vision is to have a Bible translation started in EVERY LANGUAGE by the year 2025. Every day people are dying that have never heard God’s Word. We don’t want one more generation of people to pass away without hearing the life changing Word of God!
There are several ways you can help. You can pray, go, or give.
Pray for the translators and those on the field supporting their efforts. Go on a short-term or long-term mission trip, in the US or abroad, and support the laborers in the field. Give financially to assist with the physical needs of translators and those supporting them on the field. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me. :-)