Friday, February 11, 2011

Did You Know?

Did you know...

6,900+...the number of languages spoken in the world today.

Almost 2,100  ...the number of languages without any of the Bible, but with a possible need of a Bible translation to begin.

340,000,000+...the number of people who speak the 2,100 languages where translation projects have not yet begun.

1,500+...the number of translation programs where Wycliffe is currently at work.

nearly 75%%...amount of the world’s remaining Bible translation needs that are located in the three areas of greatest need.

1,668   ...the number of language communities which have access to the New Testament in their heart language.

457 ...the number of language communities which have access to the entire Bible in the language they understand best.

6,500,000,000+...the population of the world.

Although Bible translation is progressing at a more rapid rate today than ever before, an overwhelming amount of work has yet to be done.

If you would like more information on how YOU can get involved by going, praying or financially supporting you can contact me or go to

Have a wonderful day!